Prosperity Planning Program at LIFT Orlando
Prosperity Planning program at LIFT Orlando: A member recently reached
Help with Hurricane Relief
Prosperity Planning program at LIFT Orlando: A member recently reached
Workforce Development services for On-The-Job Training and Employment Placement continue
Goodwill’s partnership with Orange County Government continued with our Employment
Good Prints is a social enterprise of Gulfstream Goodwill Industries (GGI), that provides opportunities to individuals with significant disabilities.
“I started at Goodwill April 2016 April 20th 2016. I worked my way up from being a Logitech to A Team league.”
Goodwill Provides a myriad of services in our communities, normally focused on people with disabilities and disadvantages. But, when a disaster like Ian happens, the work pivots to help the community at large.
An employee member of the Prosperity Planning program has been
The Virtual Job Connection Center (VJCC) has had their hands
730 East Park Avenue
Tallahassee, FL 32301
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